Policy Responses
Responses to policy consultations by the Northern Ireland Assembly and UK Houses of Parliament
Ending violence against women and girls: What works?
Violence against women and girls | Women's Platform | 2024This is a recording of a webinar sharing learning on the EU Directive on violence against women and girls, which took place on 2 December 2024.
Ending violence against women and girls: Learning from Europe webinar recording
Violence against women and girls | Women's Platform | 2024This is a recording of our Ending violence against women and girls: Learning from Europe webinar, which took place on 28 November 2024. Speakers include Eliana Jimeno from WAVE Network and Sonya McMullan from Women’s Aid Federation NI.
Women's Platform annual report 2024
PDF: 1.66 MB Annual report | Governance | 2024We are delighted to share our annual report 2024, which highlights an active and productive year.
Women's Platform Limited accounts 2023-24
PDF: 2.36 MB Finance | Companies Act 2006 | 2024These are the final signed accounts for Women’s Platform 2023-24.
Response to Good Jobs consultation
PDF: 414.49 KB Employment | Department for the Economy | 2024This submission emphasises the importance of flexible and supportive working envionments and employment legislation for women.
Annual report 2023
PDF: 1.47 MB Annual report | Women's Platform | 2023This is the annual report of Women’s Platform 2023.
Women's Platform accounts 2022-23
PDF: 28.60 MB Governance | Women's Platform | 2023This document presents the full independently examined accounts for Women’s Platform 2022-23.
A Women's Vision for Northern Ireland - project report
PDF: 8.57 MB Leadershipp | 2023This report provides an overview of the A Women’s Vision for Northern Ireland project and highlights findings.
Women's Platform Ltd accounts 2021-22
PDF: 25.77 MB finance | Women's Platform | 2022These are the full accounts of Women’s Platform for the financial year 2021-2022.
Women's Spaces evaluation Terms of Reference
PDF: 166.00 KBWomen’s Platform, as part of a consortium with Northern Ireland Rural Women’s Network (NIRWN), Women’s Support Network (WSN) and Women’s Resource and Development Agency (WRDA) is delighted to announce the Women’s Spaces project, a three year capacity building and advocacy programme which will build a platform for women to engage in peace-building and civic and political life, in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1325.
We are now seeking an evaluator, who as a contractor will be involved in longitudinally evaluating the programme and contributing to ensuring it meets its aims. These are the terms of reference for the evaluation.
Submission to Improving effectiveness of hate crime legislation in Northern Ireland
PDF: 295.71 KB hate crime | Department of Justice | 2022This submission expresses strong support for a stand alone misogyny offence.
Submission to the Call for Views on new strategies
PDF: 261.83 KB violence against women | DfJ, DoH, TEO | 2022This submission is the Women’s Platform contribution to the development of a strategy on violence against women and girls, and a domestic and sexual violence strategy. The submission emphasises international standards as a guiding framework and a rights based approach.
Submission by Northern Ireland Women’s European to Health Committee on Period Products (Free Provision) Bill scrutiny process
PDF: 153.89 KB Gender Discrimination | NI Assembly Committee of Health | December 2021Northern Ireland Women’s European Platform (NIWEP) welcomes the Period Products (Free Provision) Bill as an important proposal that would strengthen protection and support for women and girls, and people who menstruate. NIWEP welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Bill scrutiny process.
Submission to the Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland
PDF: 146.13 KB Human Rights | NI Assembly Ad hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights | February 2021NIWEP welcomes the process exploring a Bill of Rights, and believes that establishing a strong Bill of Rights is important for the future of Northern Ireland.
Submission of evidence in relation to UK and EU proposals on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland House of Lords European Affairs Sub-Committee on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland
PDF: 108.10 KB Post Brexit arrangements | House of Lords NI Affairs Committee | November 2021Tensions remain high in Northern Ireland, and public dialogue on the Protocol is not creating clarity for people in Northern Ireland. Lack of clarity and clear information is contributing to uncertainty and associated anxiety among the public.
Response to Budget 2021-22
PDF: 174.71 KB Budget | Department of Finance | February 2021This response highlights the need to take a gendered perspective to the Budget.
Response to Programme for Government Outcomes Framework
PDF: 270.31 KB Programme for Government | The Executive Office | March 2021This response calls for a focus on gender in the PfG Outcomes Framework and using the Sustainable Development Goals as an indicator framework.
Submission to a Call for evidence for a Housing Supply Strategy
PDF: 123.94 KB Housing | Department for Communities | July 2021This response argues that a housing supply strategy must take a wider view of housing as a cornerstone of sustainable, safe and accessible communities.
Submission to Economy Committee Call for evidence on Domestic Abuse (Safe Leave) Bill
PDF: 299.51 KB Violence against Women and Girls | NI Assembly Economy Committee | December 2021This response supports introduction of leave rights for victims and survivors of domestic abuse as a day one right.
Submission to PMB on gender budgeting
PDF: 247.60 KB Gender budgeting | NI Assembly | August 2021This response sets out key issues relating to introducing gender budgeting into policy making.
Submission to Skills Strategy for Northern Ireland consultation
PDF: 221.46 KB Education | Department for the Economy | August 2021This response calls for a gender lens and a holistic overview of societal needs as a basis for further and higher education policy.
Response to Bill of Rights Consultation
PDF: 155.67 KB Human Rights | NI Assembly Ad hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights | February 2021This response sets out key reasons why a Bill of Rights is needed, including as an opportunity to integrate existing international obligations into domestic legislation and policy.
Submission to Health Committee on the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill
PDF: 128.55 KB Sexual and reproductive health and rights | NI Assembly Health Committee | November 2021This response highlights existing good practice on safe zones internationally.
Submission to Health Committee on Severe Foetal Impairment Bill
PDF: 110.73 KB Sexual and reproductive health and rights | NI Assembly Health Committee | May 2021This responses emphasises the urgency of implementing the CEDAW Optional Protocol inquiry recommendations in full, without further delay.
Submission to Justice (Sexual Offences and Trafficking Victims) Bill
PDF: 153.42 KB Violence against Women and Girls | NI Assembly Justice Committee | September 2021This response supports provisions in the Bill.
Submission to Protection from Stalking Bill
PDF: 224.44 KB Violence against Women and Girls | NI Assembly Justice Committee | April 2021This responses supports the Bill and emphasises key gendered perspectives as well as relevant international obligations.
Submission on Private Member's Bill on period poverty
PDF: 156.79 KB Sexual and reproductive health and rights | NI Assembly | January 2021This response welcomes the PMB and emphasises the need for appropriate and accessible provision for all women and girls and people who menstruate.
Submission on Private Member's Bill on domestic abuse leave
PDF: 180.07 KB Violence against Women and Girls | NI Assembly | January 2021This response welcomes the PMB and sets out relevant international obligations and international good practice.
Submission to House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee inquiry on the role of GEO
PDF: 209.26 KB Gender responsive policy | House of Commons | February 2021This response explores ways to ensure strengthened gender equality mechanisms in the Westminster administration.
Submission to House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee inquiry on a gender sensitive Parliament
PDF: 223.23 KB Gender responsive policy | House of Commons | March 2021This response outlines key elements of a gender sensitive parliament and calls for implementation of measures urgently
Submission to House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee sub inquiry on impact of Covid-19 on women
PDF: 263.50 KB Gender Equality | House of Commons | July 2020This response highlights the impacts of Covid-19 on women and action needed to secure gender equality in a Covid-19 response.
Submission to House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee sub inquiry on impact of Covid-19 on BAME groups and people with disabilities
PDF: 106.83 KB Human Rights | House of Commons | July 2020This response highlights the impacts of Covid-19 on BAME women and women with disabilities, and outlines action needed to secure equality in a Covid-19 response.
Submission on Domestic Abuse Bill
PDF: 340.03 KB Violence against Women and Girls | NI Assembly Justice Committee | June 2020This response highlights international obligations and calls for implementation of these through the Bill.
Submission to Hate Crime Review for Northern Ireland
PDF: 316.33 KB Violence against Women and Girls | Hate Crime Review | April 2020This response highlights the importance of addressing gender in updated hate crime legislation.
UN Submissions
Women’s Platform coordinates submissions to UN human rights processes and mechanisms for women’s rights, with and on behalf of the women’s sector in Northern Ireland.
Recording of webinar Beijing+30: Where next for global gender equality?
Beijing Platform for Action | CSW | 2025The 4th World Conference on Women, in Beijing in 1995, achieved ambitious targets for gender equality and made girls visible for the first time. Hillary Clinton also gave the famous ‘women’s rights are human rights’ speech in Beijing. This year marks 30 years since that last world conference, and progress has stalled, so action for gender equality rights is vital.
This webinar heard from women who were in Beijing in 1995, and will also looked at how the anniversary can help speed up progress and hold governments to account.
Report and reflections from CSW68
PDF: 1.38 MB CSW | UN | 2024This report sets out reflections from the delegation to CSW68 and a flavour of learning shared at events attended.
Recording of CSW68 side event: Gender budgeting as a solution to women's poverty
CSW | UN | 2024This is the recording of the CSW68 virtual side event Women’s Platform organised in collaboration with Women’s Support Network and Women’s Platform.
CSW66 side event: Leading Us into the Future
PDF: 297.93 MB UN events | CSW | 2022This is the video of Women’s Platform’s side event at CSW66, which focused on young women’s perspectives on climate, gender justice and peace and security, and featured speakers from Rwanda, Uganda, Colombia and Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland shadow interim report to CEDAW
PDF: 158.33 KB CEDAW | CEDAW | September 2021This submission is coordinated by Northern Ireland Women’s European Platform (NIWEP), with members and civil society partners. It builds on the 2019 shadow report and is designed to assist the Committee to assess the UK government interim report.
Statement to CSW66
PDF: 114.42 KB Gender equality | UN CSW | October 2021This is the statement of Women’s Platform (NIWEP) to CSW66, which focuses on gender, climate change and emergency preparedness as its priority theme.
Submission to the Human Rights Council’s Report on promoting and protecting the human rights of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000)
PDF: 181.89 KB Human rights | UN Human Rights Council | April 2021This response calls for gender equality and women’s human rights to be made a cross cutting priority across the UN Human Rights Council’s work, and for a gender lens to be implemented in all Council initiatives.
Submission on femicide with Women's Aid Federation NI to UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women
PDF: 226.90 KB Violence against Women and Girls | UN | June 2020This submission sets out data on femicide and domestic violence in Northern Ireland for the Special Rapporteur’s report to the UN.