Our Purpose
Women’s Platform works to achieve gender equality and gender parity for women and girls in Northern Ireland.
We advocate for integration and implementation of international human rights standards in Northern Ireland and share evidence, expertise and learning from international networks locally. We amplify the voices of women and girls internationally and work to give women and girls in Northern Ireland a platform in international networks.
Our Aims and Objectives
Women’s Platform exists to promote any charitable purpose to benefit women in Northern Ireland, through a number of mechanisms including:
- the provision of a forum for women’s organisations;
- the promotion of mechanisms to ensure that the views and interests of women in Northern Ireland are heard and represented particularly in regard to national, European and international policy;
- affiliation and cooperation with collaborative organisations in England, Scotland and Wales as well as Ireland;
- dissemination and collection of information, particularly that relevant to Europe; carrying out or assisting with research and surveys, and planning of collective action on specified issues