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We fight for women’s rights in Northern Ireland.

Women’s Platform works to achieve gender equality and gender parity for women and girls in Northern Ireland

We are
Women’s Platform

Women’s Platform connects the women’s sector in Northern Ireland to international networks and human rights mechanisms. Our role is to amplify the voices of women and girls in Northern Ireland at the international level, including at the UN. Locally, we build capacity on international human rights standards to help women and girls in Northern Ireland achieve equality, diversity and full participation in decision making.

Our Purpose

It's our story and yours

Women’s Platform is a feminist membership organisation working to achieve gender equality for women and girls in Northern Ireland and make their voices heard in Northern Ireland heard at national and international level.

Our vision is of a Northern Ireland where women and girls, in all our diversity, can live our lives as we choose, in safety and with dignity, free from misogynistic and patriarchal pressures and stereotypes, and supported by policies that meet our needs.

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New podcast episode! Making rights real: Using gender budgeting to support change

We’re delighted to launch Episode 4 of our podcast series Making Rights Real.  Episode 4 explores how gender budgeting can be used as a concrete tool to help realise human rights standards and frameworks, and how gender budgeting can be integrated effectively into policy making. Guests in this episode are Alexandra Brennan from the Northern Ireland Women’s Budget Group and Omna Sreeni-Ong from Engender Consultancy and the Gender Budget Group in Malaysia.

Making rights real is our new podcast series, looking at what human rights mean in practical, everyday life with experts from Northern Ireland and across Europe. The series aims to demystify international human rights standards and connect them to women’s daily lives, to look at how rights based approaches can create better societies for women and girls. We also share good practice from elsewhere in the UK, Ireland and Europe.

The podcast is available below, and also available for free via PodbeanYouTubeApple Podcasts and Amazon Music.


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Join us to let us know what you want to learn from the UN!

What do we want from the UN?

Monday 3 March, 1-2pm online

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Our International Networks

European Women's Lobby logo UKJCW logo CEDAW logo